پست های ویژه دانشیار

The Research Databases
Dr. Majid Aghlmand

The Research Databases

Dr. Maryam Fouladi

There are many scientific databases, each of which are associated with a specific area of science and publish different information. Recognition of scientific databases is a necessity and researchers are supposed to be familiar with scientific databases of their field of study and expertise, employ them in their study and only search in these databases for the latest findings of their research area.

In this book, scientific databases of 60 branches of science are introduced separately. To provide this list, libraries of 15 prominent universities of the world have been investigated and categorized data have been exploited from Stanford University library.

It is hoped that this book will be found to be a useful guide to researchers, university professors, students and all research policy makers.

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با تکمیل فرم زیر می توانید درخواست خود را به دانشیار ارسال نمایید. درخواست خود را به صورت کامل بنویسید. همچنین می توانید از طریق تلگرام و واتساپ با دانشیار در ارتباط باشید.

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