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Language Teaching Practicum

Language Teaching Practicum

Language Teaching Practicum has been designed to meet the needs of language teachers at the start of their teaching career, at that stage where they are just about to do-or have just done- an initial teaching course. It has been written for teachers who teach learners of whatever age. It introduces the most effective and proven techniques and strategies in language teaching and classroom management.

The main incentive behind preparing this book was to help those who love to be efficient English teachers but don’t know how. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive book totally devoted to classified major concepts in language teaching and classroom management in one volume. The book has been directed towards the needs and concerns of the English teachers/teachers to be and university instructors.

This book can be used as a textbook for BA/MA courses like Teaching Language Skills, TTC, and Practical Language Teaching/Language Teaching Practicum.

This book, with clear diction appropriate to the competence of its audience, elaborates on the rudiments of practical ELT in five learner friendly chapters, presenting the most prominent language teaching theories and techniques for teaching English as a foreign or second language. Language Teaching Practicum is a practical book, concentrating on teaching practice rather than on a detailed analysis of learning theory. It aims to reflect a range of current teaching and learning styles.


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