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دارالترجمه ویژه مهاجرت

DR. Majid Aghlmand

دانلود پایان نامه مددکاری اجتماعی pdf

در این صفحه دو پایان نامه در رشته مددکاری اجتماعی قرار داده شده است. فایل PDF این پایان نامه ها را می توانید از قسمت "فایل ها برای دانلود" در پایین همین صفحه دریافت نمایید.

عنوان فارسی:
بررسی حضور دین و معنویت در آموزش مددکاری اجتماعی با تمرکز بر آشنایی مربیان مددکاری اجتماعی با ابزارهای سنجش معنوی

عنوان انگلیسی:

An Investigation of the Presence of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work Education focusing on Social Work Educators’ Familiarity with Spiritual Assessment Tools

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether social work educators are conversant with spiritual assessment tools (FICA, HOPE, FAITH, SPIRIT, and CSI-MEMO), whether these tools are taught as part of the social work curriculum, and whether religious and spiritual courses are offered online and face-to-face in religious and non-religious social work programs. This is a mixed-methods study that utilized an online survey instrument to collect the data. The study found most participants are not familiar with spiritual assessment tools. It found that most accredited social work programs have included spiritual-relevant practice in courses, and a majority of them offered more variations of courses on spirituality. The results revealed a positive relationship between spiritual assessment tools and religious universities. A statistically significant association was found between social work courses in spirituality and course format. Further, the relationship between religious accredited social work programs and spiritual courses as elective, required courses, or part of course content was found to be not statistically significant.


عنوان فارسی:
ادراک عدالت اجتماعی در تمرین مددکاری اجتماعی بهزیستی کودک- یک کاوش پدیدارشناسانه

عنوان انگلیسی:

Perception of Social Justice in Child Welfare Social Work Practice- a Phenomenological Exploration

This qualitative research examined social justice phenomena in social work practice as perceived by Child Welfare social workers within the Child Welfare system. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 Child Welfare social workers between the ages of 36 and 76 who were employed for a minimum of five years. A purposive sampling method was used to recruit voluntary participants from social worker populations through an online social media website. Thematic data analysis generated four significant themes - social justice identity, advocacy, values and privilege - and 36 sub-themes, which included social attitude, reflective thinking, changes in policy and legislation/power, and understanding/empathy. This study's findings indicated child welfare social workers used different words and meanings to define social justice and the perceived application of social justice to practice differently. However, all participants reported perceptions of privilege versus oppression observed from the child welfare social work practice process, supporting the theoretical perspective of critical social theory, mainly the opinions and social attitudes of child welfare social workers about social justice within the child welfare system. The current findings for research question one and two implied there is 1) the inability for child welfare social workers to commonly agree on one definition for social justice, and; (2) the uncertainty for child welfare social workers to apply social justice to social work practice solely based on the National Social Work Association and child welfare agencies insistence on seeking social justice for clients. The research implications included consideration of professional and personal development and cultural competence for child welfare social work practice. Administrators are recommended to organize professional development training on informed social justice to help child welfare social workers, define and apply social justice. An important recommendation for future research is surveying child welfare social workers to determine how social justice perceptions affect the National Association of Social Workers' standards for training, performance, and instruction inclusion of ethical standards as a competency.


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