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The ABCs of Proposal Writing

The ABCs of Proposal Writing

The ABCs of Proposal Writing & Conducting Academic Research in Applied Linguistics has been designed to meet the needs of students attending graduate and postgraduate programs who do not have enough experience in writing theses, dissertations, papers, and articles.

The main incentive behind preparing this book, despite availability of different textbooks on the local and international markets, was compensating for lack of a comprehensive and learner-friendly textbook and helping those thesis/dissertation writers who want to manage the thesis/dissertation writing process effectively. This book provides novice researchers, especially in the field of applied linguistics, with a general picture of conducting academic studies and forms and then elaborates on details of related issues.

The book consists of seven valuable chapters each of which includes all necessary definitions and explanations to iron out ambiguities and clarify the subtleties in conducting a thesis. Chapter One helps researchers familiarize with different types of academic writing. Chapter Two introduces APA style to help researchers learn how to use the American Psychological Association citation and format style. Chapter Three is about two important sections of a thesis (i.e. Introduction and Literature Review). Chapter Four deals with the Methodology concerning participants, instruments, materials, and procedure. Chapter Five refers to Results, Discussion, conclusion, and implications. Chapter Six deals with planning a research study and it touches upon essentials of research methods in applied linguistics. Chapter Seven focuses on descriptive and inferential statistics in applied linguistics, and finally Chapter Eight provides the readers with a sample proposal and a sample article.

This book with its clear diction and thorough information may be used as textbook for courses like Research Methods, Seminar, and Advanced Writing in graduate programs of applied linguistics.


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