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دارالترجمه ویژه مهاجرت

DR. Majid Aghlmand

دانلود پایان نامه مهندسی ایمنی pdf

در این صفحه دو پایان نامه در رشته مهندسی ایمنی قرار داده شده است. فایل PDF این پایان نامه ها را می توانید از قسمت "فایل ها برای دانلود" در پایین همین صفحه دریافت نمایید.

عنوان فارسی:
بهبود آموزش ایمنی مهندسی: ایجاد و اجرای فرهنگ ایمنی در یک محیط آزمایشگاهی در مقطع کارشناسی

عنوان انگلیسی:

Improvements for Engineering Safety Education: Creation and Implementation of a Safety Culture in an Undergraduate Laboratory Setting


The goal of this case study was to create a safety culture amongst an undergraduate engineering population. The Active Learning Laboratories at the Harvard John Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are comprised of laboratory and machine shop spaces that provide students cross-discipline support. The diversity of the physical lab space and constantly growing undergraduate lab user population provided a unique opportunity to pilot new safety training methodologies. Using a culture-based approach, laboratory-wide changes to environment, safety presentations, and training formats were developed Summer 2016 and implemented Fall 2016. Data was anonymously collected and analyzed from student lab users at the completion of each semester from Spring 2016 to Fall 2017. The improvements to the training methods were found to have significant positive impacts on the safety of the engineering undergraduate community. The changes helped to increase lab user comfort in reporting safety incidents to lab staff and fellow students alike, indicating the successful creation of a safety culture.


عنوان فارسی:
شناسایی و تجزیه و تحلیل مخاطرات ایمنی کارگران در سایت‌های کار ساخت و ساز تجارت کشاورزی در غرب میانه

عنوان انگلیسی:

Identification and Analysis of Worker Safety Hazards in Midwest Agribusiness Construction Work Sites


The construction industry is characterized by high fatality and injury rates. The dynamic nature of construction projects has exposed its workers to multiple safety hazards and risks, resulting to the high fatality and injury rates on sites. Agribusiness construction is a sub-classified area of the construction industry. Agribusiness construction incidents are thought to contribute to the high fatality and injury rates in the construction industry, yet little empirical work done to confirm this hypothesis. A lack of available data to address fatalities and injuries with specific focus on agribusiness construction sites has hindered many efforts to improve safety management within the industry. Worker safety hazards for agribusiness construction sites and their contributing factors are important in the development of tailored preventative safety measures to reduce safety incidents in the future. Because safety incident can be attributed to multiple factors, research on worker safety incidents must encompass the depth and breadth of the area, specifically concerning underlying contributing factors, through the application of effective research approach. This study aimed at identifying worker safety hazards commonly present at agribusiness construction sites and their contributing factors using a mixed method approach and fault tree analysis (FTA). Purposive sampling was utilized to gather sample. Industrial experts and academic professionals were approached to participate in semi-structured interviews and surveys. Participants were asked to identify worker safety hazards and their contributing factors during the interview sessions and then quantify and rank order the hazards and factors through the surveys. FTA was then used to further analyze the contributing factors to the worker safety hazard. The research results provide a better understanding of worker safety hazards occurring in agribusiness construction projects, identification of contributing factors to the hazards, and comparison of safety research data and census data relative to worker safety hazards in agribusiness construction industry. Safety professionals, construction companies, and training developers will be able to use the research results to develop safety plan tailored for agribusiness construction sites.


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