پست های ویژه دانشیار

The Journal of Iranian Studies

The Journal of Iranian Studies

The Journal of Iranian Studies is an international peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year in June and December. The journal accepts articles about Iran from different social disciplines like history, politics, social politics, economic politics, social studies, religious and sectarian studies, arts and literature disciplines. The magazine is published in Turkish and English and it is planned to accept Persian articles in the coming period.

Articles that do not comply with the journal guidelines are rejected.

Since the journal adopts the Budapest Open Access Initiative principles, it provides immediate open access to its content and no fees are charged during the application phase or subsequent processes from the articles submitted to our journal. The articles submitted to our journals are passed from the originality scan (iThenticate) in order to avoid plagiarism. Submitted manuscripts will be published after examination in the editorial board, with two specialized jurisdictions (two-sided blind arbitration), a third judging if necessary, and the final approval of the editorial board.



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The Journal of Iranian Studies

با تکمیل فرم زیر می توانید درخواست خود را به دانشیار ارسال نمایید. درخواست خود را به صورت کامل بنویسید. همچنین می توانید از طریق تلگرام و واتساپ با دانشیار در ارتباط باشید.

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